What to Expect

Here at Calvary you can expect the Word of God to be lifted high and preached unashamedly.  Our worship music is led by a praise team comprised of people eager to share in the talents that God has gifted them with. We focus less on the style of the music and more on the recipient of our praise.  We are not here to put on a concert but rather to lift high the name of Jesus.

When you join us, no matter the occasion, people will be dressed from suits and ties and dresses to jeans, t-shirts, and polos.  Again, our focus is not on how fancy your attire is but rather our God whom we are here to adore.  We just want you to worship alongside of us!

You have small children?   Great!  Our church loves families!  From the smallest toddler to the most mature adult, there's something for everyone here at Calvary!  Would you come and be our guest this week?