Senior Pastor
Mike Murray
Pastor Mike Murray was born in York and raised in Lincoln, NE.
After graduating high school, Mike joined the Nebraska Air National Guard. He attended UNL, graduated in 1986, and subsequently received his commission from the Air National Guard, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2010. After his retirement from the Guard, Mike went to work for the Department of Homeland Security.
When the Holy Spirit put it on his heart to seek pastoral ministry later in life, Mike attended Liberty University, where he earned a Master of Divinity degree with an emphasis on Theology. He joined Calvary Baptist Church as the Senior Pastor in January of 2025.
Mike and his wife Christy have six children and six grandchildren, spread throughout the state.
Kids Club Leader
John Lewis
John and his wife, Carol, are the leaders of the CCC for children and teach the Senior Adult Sunday School Class at Calvary Baptist Church. They were both born in California but John grew up mostly in Kentucky. They've been married since 1966, and they have 4 grown children, 15 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.
They have served as Missionaries for over 50 years starting in Kentucky. They have served the last 36 years with InFaith (an American Mission).
Besides the ministries at Calvary they lead a Bible Study in Gothenburg on Monday evenings and pastor a rural church at Brownlee (south of Valentine, Nebraska) on Sunday evenings. John has seved as the director of Bethel Bible Camp in Wellfleet and Carol was the head cook. They are presently turning the work over to a younger couple.
Hispanic Pastor
Omar Garcia
Omar was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico.
After finishing his studies in Sociology, he came to the United States and obtained his Bachelor degree in Biblical Studies at Rio Grande Bible College, in Edinburg, Texas.
Omar and his wife Rebeca came from Mexico to Calvary in 2019 to lead our Hispanic Ministry.
Worship Leader
Lane Swedberg
Lane came back to Calvary after completing his degree at Chadron State College. Lane works full time as a teacher in the Maxwell school district and serves as a volunteer leading our music ministry. Lane is an incredibly talented musician and desires to use his giftedness to prepare our hearts and minds for the word of God.